Cellphone Dilemma Solved!

These last few weeks, I have been trying to figure out how to keep my phone number active while I’m serving in South Africa and how to unlock my cellphone. I have Sprint, but these steps should work for any cellphone company.’

To suspend service with Sprint (Military Suspension):

1. Call 1-866-954-0492. Pick option number 4 for Military Suspension. This is suspending your service for two years without being charged. Military Suspension give you the maximum of 36 months of suspension without losing your phone number.

2. Once you explain to the operator why you are calling, you will give your phone number and your pin for security purposes.

3. You will next pick a date the day after your staging date(s).

4. Call three days before scheduled date to make sure that your service is to be disconnected as scheduled.

To Unlock Your Phone:

Be sure to request a domestic SIM unlock by contacting the Sprint Customer Care by dialing *2 from your Sprint mobile device or calling 888-211-4727.


Login into Sprint Account –> My account –> Scroll down to the drop box marked “Manage This Device” –> Click drop box and select “Unlock device to use int’l SIM” –> Select “Yes, Unlock SIM Slot

See it’s that simple!

Goodbye City Year, Hello Peace Corps

Through the chaos, the happy times, and the sad times, I can say that I have completed such an amazing year of service. On May 29, 2015, I completed my year of service with City Year Washington DC.IMG_3526

Stepping into my flagship school, I was filled with optimism and hope for an amazing year and it turned into just that. I was honored to serve in an amazing first grade classroom along with my partner teacher who graduated Howard University as well. There were days that were filled with ambition and days when I just wanted to throw in the towel. There were days that I didn’t feel appreciated at all, but days that I felt all the love  from my students. It was the best roller coaster ride of emotions that I have ever felt and was a ride that would forever change my life.

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The News That I Have Been Waiting For!

image1 (1)After two and a half months of running around, I am officially medically cleared to serve in Peace Corps South Africa. I was so nervous because of my Polycystic Kidney Disease and other health issues that would have a possibilty of preventing me from being cleared. I will have a post about the expenses of everything that I needed. But yes for medical clearance! Finally the world has been lifted from my shoulders.

A Great Dental Resource

As a Peace Corps Volunteer, I have come to find out that it is a very expensive process, especially without dental or medical insurance.


I found an amazing dental resource that can help ease the cost of the dental exam and x-rays. The International College of Dentist has a list that you can request from each state of dentist in the area that offer FREE dental exams and x-rays. The dentists offer their services for free and are not paid for providing services. They are volunteering their services to Peace Corps volunteers. Any additional cleaning, fillings, and other dental work would have to be paid by the volunteer.

Visit their website: http://www.usa-icd.org/node/32

IF there is not a dentist available in your state, Groupon offers 40%-70% discounts off of dental packages, dental exams, x-rays and cleanings!